Sunday, May 13, 2007

Upcoming Event in the Oakland, CA area

Here are some events that we think may be of interest to our Oakland, California readers

May 19 - Grant Writing Basics

Learn How To:
Identify potential funding sources (government,private and corporate)
Become skilled at communicating with funders
Prepare budgets for different funders
Work effectively with grant writing consultants
Become proficient in managing an awarded grant

Call (510) 530-0770 to reserve your space or download a registration form at

May 19 - You Are a C.E.O Seminar

Learn what you must do to:
Be successful
Build wealth
Fulfill your dreams
Work effeciently and effectively
this seminar is for professionals, executives, college student, entrepenuers, small buisness owners, and those who want to succeed in life

Source: Oakland African American Chamber of Commerce

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