Friday, October 10, 2014

Be Careful Who You Get Involved With

TO: All B.O.B.S.A. Membership and Friends 

FROM:  Sam Ennon, Founder and President of B.O.B.S.A.

As I stated in my letter dated September 2014 entitled “Be Careful Who You Get Involved With,” at that time we did not name the principals or the organization.  However, in this letter we are naming the principals and organizations (Devon Bell and Charisse Randolph with Black Wall Street Inc. and Kemetic Pipeline International), and those of you that have had experience with this organization or the principals please send me an email at please note and protect yourself.

Black Wall Street led me to believe that they had programs which would fund Black entrepreneur projects.  To test their validity, I put together a program called “Black Box Distribution Inc.” brand-named “The Black Box Barber Caddy.”  We joined their organization in good faith, and paid a monthly fee of $9.99 a month with the first payment being $19.99. Their funding program criteria was as follows:  a) become a member of their organization; b) be a member for a minimum of three months; c) and submit your business plan or business model to them. We have been in this program for the last nine months.  We were approved for $1 million see attached approval letter in a PDF April 2014. 

Over the last six months, we have been promised the funding on numerous occasions.  The last correspondence we received from was a letter of conditions dated September 12, 2014.  We signed and sent it back to the organization.  We continued to provide requested follow-up documents needed to complete the deal.  Each time we spoke with them about our projects, they had another excuse for when the funding would be available. 

We are done dealing with them ¬¬-¬ we have to immediately seek other resources to try and get funding for this project.  I recommend NO B.O.B.S.A. associates proceed in doing business with this organization in the future.  I will be writing future articles and comments about this organization, going forward, B.O.B.S.A. has to be more careful about who we trust and recommend to our membership. Each time this happens, it makes it very difficult for us fulfill our responsibility to set the standard to “Connect The Black Dots,” and put our trust in organizations that claim their mission is to “help the Black Community.”  

Let me again apologize to all my Members and Friends for letting these sharks take advantage of us -- NEVER AGAIN!

Sam Ennon

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