Sunday, April 13, 2014

Don’t play Around, Write it down

Don’t play Around, Write it down is a passion-filled approach for turning ideas into structure.   Ideas consist of our passions, talents, and creative juices - some waiting to be harnessed.  The book was written over a one-year period of scribbling notes in coffee shops throughout California and other parts of the globe.   The idea to structure process examines life experiences in terms of assets that generate a return – not always defined in terms of money. 

From an analytical perspective, this lifelong endeavor can be surmised as solving an equation(s) with variables.  The equation is our structure and our life experiences are the variables (remember X, Y, and Z??).   In other words, make your life count through “plugging in” experiences that create value whether it is a career in the investment industry; becoming a pilot; starting a business; writing a book; going to college; becoming a savvy entrepreneur; or in starting a singing career.  One or more experiences may apply over your life.     

The author, Cory Roberson, shares some of his experiences with failure, fear, business, travel, education, coffee shops, youth programs, investment management, and the inspirational people who’ve helped him along the way.   Let’s take this journey together. 

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