Monday, September 2, 2013

400 YEARS WITHOUT A COMB Beauty Documentary Coming To BOBSA Soon


For over thousands of years the world's first human beings have created beauty implements. One journey however was not accompanied with their comb. It would be four centuries before Africans in North America would see their comb again. It was through the hands of one man that the west would produce the most powerful and diverse beauty movement in the history of mankind.
African Americans who dared to invent, create and dream of a culture that could thrive on pride and self-worth. Little did they know the art of hair care would take generations of Black Americans from rags to riches and influence just about every beauty trend in the history of the modern world.

This is the story how through the most horrific inhumane living conditions and treatment, Black Americans became the world's greatest beauty trendsetters and the world's most profitable beauty industry the world has ever known.

Read The Story Only On

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